Army of Women

Behind every woman, is an army of women. I have that.

I have the biggest, baddest army out there!

I have an army of women who have been with me since we were crawling through the trenches of infancy.

I have women who have seen me whole, witnessed me fall apart (several times) & others who are helping me on my journey of picking up the pieces to become whole again.

I have an army of women my children have the honour of calling their aunties, because family is measured in love. These women sub in when I need an extra pair of hands. They help a mama out when I’m supposed to “mom” in two places at once. I have an army of women I call my sisters.

I have women who I’ve known since birth who still stand by my side & women who I've only just met....I need them all! No matter the length of time we’ve been in one another’s lives, they all mean the absolute freaking world to me!

It’s this army of women who remind me that I’m worthy. They’re the ones who do everything they can to help me better myself & life. They help me see the positive when sometimes I just don’t want to. They push me to go the extra mile because they wholeheartedly believe in me. This army sees me for the person that I am, & not for the person I think I should be. They crack my heart wide open and remind me that I have the most incredible army of women in my life.

This army of women is proof that everything in my life has happened exactly as it was supposed to. Had I not gone through the wars that I have, I wouldn’t have the size of the army that I do! Each of the women who stand with me are standing with me for a reason, they’ve helped shape & make me into the person I am meant to be. 

Could you imagine what life would be like without your army?! I can’t. Nor do I want to.

They’re so badass that they stand with me throughout my victories & cheer me on while I’m reaching for the next!




Let’s unpack today